
Journal contributions

Gil, L.; Blanco, E.; Auli, J. The virtual laboratory concept applied to strain measurements. European Journal of Engineering Education. Vol 25, n. 3, p. 243-251. 2000. (url)

Marce-Nogue, J., Gil, L., Pérez, M.A., Sánchez, M.. Self-assessment exercises in continuum mechanics with autonomous learning. Journal of Technology and Science Education, 3, feb. 2013. Available at: <http://www.jotse.org/index.php/jotse/article/view/57/84>. 

Educational software
Blanco, E.; Gil, L.; López, J.; Oñate, E.; Reimann, K.; Suarez, B. ED-TRIDIM. Educational program for the analysis of tridimensional frames. CIMNE. ISBN: 84-87867-92-8. 1998. (url)

Blanco, E.; Gil, L.; Oñate, E.; Suarez, B. ED-Elas 2D- Educational Software. Analysis of two dimensional solids and structures using the finite element method. ISBN: 84-87867-84-7. CIMNE. 1997. (url)

Blanco, E.; Escalante, F.; Gil, L.; Reiman, K.; Oñate, E.; Suarez, B. Educational Software. ED-Beams and Ed-Frames. Educational Programs for teh analysis of beams and frames using matrix methods. ISBN: 84-87867-56-1. CIMNE. 1995.

Educational innovation projects

2011-2012. Projecte de millora de la docència de les assignatures de materials compostos del Campus de Terrassa. Responsable: Lluís Gil
In this project a group of lecturers of the Departments of Strength of Materials and Structures in Engineering (RMEE) plus the Department of Science of Materials and Metallurgic Engineering (CMEM) from UPC developed several laboratory sessions to help student to conceive all the cycle of structural design with composite materials. From design to manufacture and test. It included the manufacture of CFRP and GFRP, ultrasonic NDT, mechanical test, ANSYS simulation and finally, oral presentations. Find some demo videos (url) and (url). Team: Lluís Gil (coordinator), RMEE: Marco Antonio Perez, Montserrat Sanchez and Ernest Bernat. CMEM: Elisa Ruperez, Silvia Illescas and Nuria Salan.

2010-2012. Implementación de nuevas tecnologías como herramientas docentes para el fortalecimiento del posgrado en Ingeniería de la Construcción de la Facultad de Ingeniería de la UNACH (II). AECID. Responsable: Jordi Marce.

2009-2011. Elaboració de material docent en l'àmbit de la mecànica del medi continu per adaptar les assignatures a l'EEES. Responsable: Lluís Gil